Monday, October 20, 2008


My Journey to Fort Snelling
One day me and my mom drove to Fort Snelling. First we went to the one roomed school house and sat down to hear 15 minutes of the lesson. If you were a kid back then you would not have a desk.

Then we journeyed to the long houses. The long houses were 10 by 10 and you had to share with another family. Here is what they had; two bunk beds. The bunks were 3.5 by 10 and there was one fire place, cubboard, 1 table with three chairs, 1 mattress, in case you had many children, 4 chests to store clothes and a bucket of water.

Then we went watch the soldiers march and shoot off muskets. I got to march along. It was so fun! It took so long to load a fun but you only got one shot.

Then we went to Colonel Snelling’s house. He said if you are staying a while there’s an extra room up stairs. Then we went upstairs. My mom took a picture.

Then we went to the hospital. The doc told us about how medals were so differed and crutches too. I also got a picture by the can or the toilet.

Water Park
One June it was Betty’s birthday. We were driving with her friends to a water park. We were laughing the whole way. It was a long drive. Everybody in my family came to.
When we got there was all scrambled out of the van. We checked in at the front desk. We said, “ Hello, we have registered for a birthday party. “ They said, “Here is your room key, you may go.”

We walked up the stairs to our room. I gasped. It was beautiful. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were 3 rooms in there. We got our swim suits on. Mom put a room key in her pocket. We ran to the elevator and pushed the button. The doors closed. We started going down. It felt weird. Finally it stopped and the doors opened. We ran to the pool.

Mom unlocked the door. We walked fast to the table and set our towels down and jumped in the pool all at the same time. There was an enormous splash. We were the only ones there. It was fun. I was scared to go in the wave pool. Dad convinced me to go. It was fun then I thought. Dad stayed by me.

When we were done we went back to the room and got our pajamas on and went to bed. I slept until 10 in the morning. When I got up mom had all the clothes packed. I ate breakfast. We hit the road. It seemed to take forever, finally we were home.


My Grandpa’s Farm
On Saturday I went to my grandpas farm. My cousins were there. My cousins told us that Grandpa’s dog died because a garbage truck ran over the dog. Me and Ray were fighting that my grandpa does want a dog or does not want a dog..

The First Time I Went to Disney World

Chapter One- Packing Up
Me and my mom were going to Disney World. It was my first time going there. At that time I didn’t like change, but I packed up anyway. My mom thought I would like it, but I am going anyway. Sometimes you have to live with change.

Chapter 2 – Getting on the Plane
Finally we got on the plane. I was terrified. It went up and down, slanted and side to side. I cried for 20 minutes.

Chapter 3- We're Here
Finally we got to Florida. We got a hotel. I looked out the window. We were high! “I’m dizzy,” I said. It felt just like on the plane. I decided to just move on with the trip.

Chapter 4- Exploring
Then we explored Florida. I didn’t like any of the placed because I had never been there before. Then we went to the same place as the first one we went to. I liked it because it was my second time in that place. The place was called the Enchanted Castle. We got to meet the princesses. That was wonderful.

Chapter 5- What a Trip
Then it was time to go home. I wasn’t excited. I wanted to stay, but I knew that soon we would be back in our home sweet home. Then we got on the plane. Then we stopped at the airport. We drove home. Our dad was very happy to see us a lot. I did too. The End
