Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Cloudy Adventure
The Cloudy Adventure
One cloudy afternoon I looked out the window for my grandma to pick me up. I saw the wind blowing like crazy. After breakfast I put on my hat, coat and gloves. When I got outside the wind was blowing ten times stronger. I accidently stepped in a puddle. I made tracks. Splat, splat, splat. My feet sand into the puddle. I tried to jump over it but I didn’t. I saw a bunny. I found a bucket. I used it to catch the bunny but the bunny ran away. I got a jug. I did a science experiment with the puddle and dirt and grass too. It was hard work so I went into my house to get a snack. When I got done I went back outside. I pretended I was fishing in a lake. It was just the puddle. I wanted to remember this day. So I picked up a rock. I put it in my pocket. I made sure I said thank you mom. When I got in bed I looked in my pocket. There was only a hole. My mom said memories are never taken.
One cloudy afternoon I looked out the window for my grandma to pick me up. I saw the wind blowing like crazy. After breakfast I put on my hat, coat and gloves. When I got outside the wind was blowing ten times stronger. I accidently stepped in a puddle. I made tracks. Splat, splat, splat. My feet sand into the puddle. I tried to jump over it but I didn’t. I saw a bunny. I found a bucket. I used it to catch the bunny but the bunny ran away. I got a jug. I did a science experiment with the puddle and dirt and grass too. It was hard work so I went into my house to get a snack. When I got done I went back outside. I pretended I was fishing in a lake. It was just the puddle. I wanted to remember this day. So I picked up a rock. I put it in my pocket. I made sure I said thank you mom. When I got in bed I looked in my pocket. There was only a hole. My mom said memories are never taken.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Deer Hunting
I went for a walk in to woods to catch a deer. Then I saw a deer. We ran and ran. We almost caught the deer. Then my grandpa accidently pressed the gun button. Then we shot a deer. We were happy. So we took it home and we ate the deer!
One summer morning I woke up and looked out my camper. I JUMPED out of my bed. I woke up my mom and dad. I asked, “Can I have some breakfast please?” I hate with a crunch, crunch, crunch. When I got done I ran out the door! Woosh! I ran to the playground. I saw an eagle. I said, “WOW!” I ran back to the camper. I found a golf ball. I thought it would be fun to golf.
“Mom can I golf please? “
“Yes but be careful.”
“Yes Mom.” I ran to the golf field. It was AWESOME! I picked up the golf ball and my coat. I ran back to the camper. I found a cool rock. It looked like a crystal!!! I put it in an old bag. I did not see the hole in the bag. When I got back to the camper I checked the bag. It was gone!!! “NOOOOOOO!!!” I yelled. DON DON DON
One summer morning I woke up and looked out my camper. I JUMPED out of my bed. I woke up my mom and dad. I asked, “Can I have some breakfast please?” I hate with a crunch, crunch, crunch. When I got done I ran out the door! Woosh! I ran to the playground. I saw an eagle. I said, “WOW!” I ran back to the camper. I found a golf ball. I thought it would be fun to golf.
“Mom can I golf please? “
“Yes but be careful.”
“Yes Mom.” I ran to the golf field. It was AWESOME! I picked up the golf ball and my coat. I ran back to the camper. I found a cool rock. It looked like a crystal!!! I put it in an old bag. I did not see the hole in the bag. When I got back to the camper I checked the bag. It was gone!!! “NOOOOOOO!!!” I yelled. DON DON DON
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A Moose!!
I was scared and anxious for a picture. I screeched with joy. I saw an elk! NOT A ELK! A MOOSE! NOT 1 MOOSE BUT 2 MOOSE. I heard the pounding of the hooves. I felt their breath in my face. I was so excited because I saw my first moose! Oh no! It spotted us! I tried to run but…
Thank goodness we were in the car! I was jumping up and down in my seat YELLING for my life! What fun! YEAH!
It was a dark night and a light day
It was a dark and chilly night. I was shivering. I whispered good night. Stars were sparkling in the sky with the moon. I tiptoed across the floor. Someone was there. Someone I knew… They looked at me with a scare, I was shocked. I knew who it was, it was…
“You scared me,” I announced.
“I did? You’re kidding,” exclaimed Jack.
I walked away into my room and into my bed. I slowly feel asleep. I could hear the wind howling in my sleep. The next morning I woke up. The sun was rising with light coming in. I was a beautiful sky. ZAP! My shade went up. I got my clothes on and went downstairs. I heard laughing. My mom was sitting on the couch. I opened the gate. ZAP!
“What was that?” said Eli. He is one of the daycare kids at my house. I went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I was hungry. It was cheerios. I was going to make it but then my mom came in and she make it instead of me.
“Thank you mom.” I said.
“You’re welcome,” she said.
I smiled back and she walked away across the wooden floor. I scooped up the cereal until it was gone. It was school. I was in first grade. When the bus came, I got on.
The End
Thank goodness we were in the car! I was jumping up and down in my seat YELLING for my life! What fun! YEAH!
It was a dark night and a light day
It was a dark and chilly night. I was shivering. I whispered good night. Stars were sparkling in the sky with the moon. I tiptoed across the floor. Someone was there. Someone I knew… They looked at me with a scare, I was shocked. I knew who it was, it was…
“You scared me,” I announced.
“I did? You’re kidding,” exclaimed Jack.
I walked away into my room and into my bed. I slowly feel asleep. I could hear the wind howling in my sleep. The next morning I woke up. The sun was rising with light coming in. I was a beautiful sky. ZAP! My shade went up. I got my clothes on and went downstairs. I heard laughing. My mom was sitting on the couch. I opened the gate. ZAP!
“What was that?” said Eli. He is one of the daycare kids at my house. I went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I was hungry. It was cheerios. I was going to make it but then my mom came in and she make it instead of me.
“Thank you mom.” I said.
“You’re welcome,” she said.
I smiled back and she walked away across the wooden floor. I scooped up the cereal until it was gone. It was school. I was in first grade. When the bus came, I got on.
The End
Monday, November 30, 2009
Going for a Walk
One summer morning I woke up and looked out the window. The sun was shining bright. I went to go eat breakfast. After breakfast it was time to get a walk. I got my tennis shoes on. I opened the door. It was so so sunny. When we went to the walk my brother called his friends to come. The sun shined on the path. Boom, boom, boom my shoes made sounds along the path. While I walked along the path the sun was shining right by you. I saw a cat. It was black and white. It was so little. Bye bye, I said. I thought it would fun to fun the whole time but I got tired. I stopped to take a brake. I was stretching. I pretended I was the worlds best runner. Even my sister pretended. I saw a turtle in the pond. It was fun when I was watching the fish. When we got hungry I remembered that we had some snacks. I took the bag of snacks. I got the chips to eat, chomp, chomp, chomp. We had fun and took a break. We were talking about what happened. We were all eating popcorn. We went to the park. I was playing volleyball. It was fum. After that I was picking up trash to clean up the playground. It got clean. We went to get ice cream because it was so sunny. My sister was jumping in the mud. Splash, splash, splash. It was a good day! We saw a deer. We sat down to watch the deer. It played around the field. We went to the park. In the park we made a sand castle. It full down. It was so fun.
One summer morning I woke up and looked outside our tent. There were gray clouds. I went to ask my dad to go for a walk. We went walking in the leaves. They went crunch, crunch. The squirrels were running up the trees too fast. We ran and we stepped in a puddle. It went splash, splash, splash. I walked slow. We stopped for a second, we looked up at the sky. I felt a poke at my leg. I looked down at my leg, it was a sticker. I just took it out. I thought it would be fun to run. My legs were getting tired. I stopped to take off my shoes. I pretended that I was climbing a mountain. I picked up dirt and I put it in the hole. I said to my dad, Thank you for taking me on a walk. Can we go tomorrow dad? So we did and that is that.
One day I woke up and looked out my window. I saw snow! On October 8th. I could not go outside because I was ready for A+. When I was in my car I looked out the window and looked at the snow. When I got to A+ I wanted to go in the snow but I couldn’t so I went crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. I was on the sidewalk. My feet stayed on top. When I went out to recess, I looked for snow. I found some! It was with my friends so I went to play. I thought it would be fun to make a snow mountain but my friends didn’t so we made a family out of snow. It was time to go in. So we crunched it. It was fun to make the snow family but I wanted to make a mountain. I looked at a rock. It was cool. Making the snow family was fun. I will never forget that day. I wanted to keep some snow but I couldn’t. So I said good-bye to the now until another day.
One summer morning I woke up and looked out my window. The sun was shining. After breakfast I put my clothes on. Then I went outside. I was almost there. I was excited. Finally, I was there, I was at the Mississippi River. I looked around for some rocks to throw in the river. I found some. Spash, splash, splash, splash, I threw them in. I thought it would be fun to look for some more. Then I stopped to look at the river. Then I started to walk home. I had a fun time after I went home. When I got home I told my mom I saved a rock for my mom.
The Best Walk Ever
One summer morning I woke up and looked outside my window. The sun was peeking through the trees. I saw a bird high about the trees. After I was done eating I put on my shorts and ran outside. My yard was as green as a tree. Swosh, swosh, swosh my shoes left a neat track on the grass. My shoes were wet from the grass. I stopped for a second to watch a turtle cross the yard. I found the baby turtle so I picked it up and set it by its mother. I thought it would be fun to ride my bike. But I fell. I stopped to check my knee. I got back up and pretended that I was a famous bike rider! I saw that a rock looked like a heart. I pout the rock in my pocket. I made sure I said thank you for helping me up and taking me on that adventure. Before I went to bed I looked at the rock one more time and put it on my dresser. It reminds me of my great grandma who died.
One summer morning I woke up and I looked out the window. The sun was bright. I closed my eyes. It was fall, I got dressed up. I ran to my mom and dad’s room. I said can we go hiking. We ran. I saw birds, they were tweeting. I said, “Wow!”
We got to the hike. The wind was blowing. My feet went click, click, click. The path was long and I saw a bird. I saw a stick in the grass. I thought it would be fun to run. I got tired of running and stopped to sit down. I pretended that was the king. Then I climbed a tree. I jumped off the tree. I grabbed a leaf and put it in my pocket. We ran home. The leave dropped out of my pocket. I went out and I grabbed some more and put them in my pocket. I went to sleep, I dreamed about more leaves. I got out of bed and made a big pile of leaves. I jumped in the leaf pile. I woke up, the leaves were gone. I ran to my jacket and checked my pocket and it was gone. I ran back outside. I chased after some leaves. I stopped and the leaf stopped. I touched the leaf but the wind blew it away and I ran and ran. I was tired of running. I walked home. I sat down on the sofa. I was so hungry. I made cookies with my mom. It was fun. I jumped up and down. I took a nap on the sofa. I heard a noise. I woke up. The cookies were done. I ran to the kitchen. I said, yum! My dad smelled the cookies, he said yum. “Mom makes good cookies”, I said to my dad.
Walking to the Duck Pond
One summer afternoon I went for a walk. We were walking to the duck pond. I stepped in a mud puddle. Step, step, step. I left mud tracks. Stopped for a couple of minutes to talk to a friend. I found a huge stick. I started to get thirsty so I stopped to get my water bottle from my dad. I started to go home. When I was half way home my feet started to get cold. I finally got home.
One winter morning I looked out the window and saw snow! Everything was covered with snow! I went over to my friends house to see if they could play in the snow! After breakfast I put on my snowsuit and laid with my friend in the snow. We threw snowballs at each other. We looked up the path, we saw more snow! Smuch, smuch, smuch smuch, my shoes sank in the snow. I walked with my feet pointing backwards! I stopped for a second to watch an eagle land on a tree. I found a snow man named Bob! I thought it would be fun to throw a snowball at my neighbor but I missed! I stopped to take a pop in the face (I took a drink of pop). I pretended I was a famous snowball thrower. Bam! I started to go back home I saw a rock. I picked it up. I made sure to thank my parents for letting me play with my friends. Before I went to bed I looked in my pocket. My rock was gone. I cried. My mom told me it was fine so I stopped crying and I went to bed. The End
One day I woke up. It was a beautiful morning. I looked out of the window. My mom and dad and I went for a long walk. I had my skateboard with me. We walked to the skateboard park, it was so cool. It was awesome. Thank you mom and dad. You guys are awesome! I love you guys! We forgot my sister. She called my dad. She was worried. My sister said, “Where were you guys?” My mom said, “We are sorry that we forgot you. When we got home I put my skateboard in the garage. Then I asked my dad if we could go to the skate park tomorrow. We did and we had pie for breakfast. That was good pumpkin pie.
The Leaf Walk
After school in the fall I went for a walk. I looked at the trees. The sun was coming through the trees. I saw my driveway. The trees were very tall. Tap, tap, tap, I walked across the road. I stopped at the other side to pick up a leaf. I climbed up a rock because my feet were tired. Then I jumped off. I turned to go home. It was fun. Before I got home I looked in my hand. The leaf was crumpled. I knew it was just a leaf. I can remember it.
One summer morning I was walking in the woods. I looked inside the building. It was fresh. I saw a fox in the woods. I put on my socks and my shoes. There were big big big trees. It looked spooky but I wasn’t scared that much. I saw somebody right in front of me. They were riding a bike. It was a she and I said hi and she said hi back. I said thank you. I was somewhere. I was scared. I found apples and berries. I ate them. I was harry and I found a little light behind me. I ran and ran. I was almost there and I wasn’t scared anymore. I was half way there. I was a little more. I looked down the path I was on. I was happy because I was almost out of there. I was tired. I was finally out. I was walking on the path and there was sweat all over me. I was very tired. I was finally home.
One early summer day I looked through the trees. I opened the door. I ran through the lawn. It was wet. I walked over a hill and went over a road. I walked along the road. My mom followed behind me. We were going to Andrew’s Park. Stomp, Stomp, Stomp. I tripped on garbage, my hand got scrapped. I found a rock in the green grass. I tried to skip it. It didn’t go anywhere. I asked if we were there. She said no in a calm voice. “Come on!” I exclaimed. I pretended I was there. My mom ran over my toe. “OUCH!” I screamed. I asked my mom if I could run and she said yes nicely. I picked a flower and ran. I stopped and went down the slide. “Weee!” I declared. I looked at the flower. It was squished. I cried. My mom cheered me up. She picked another one. “Thank you,” I said calmly.
One autumn night I went toad hunting. I had to go back. My mom told me I needed a sweater. It was cold. The wind had picked up. I could not stand it. It was very scary to have such a big wind. I kept going. It was getting harder. All of the sudden it seemed that everything got better. Then things got worse. I thought I heard thunder. I tried to get out but it was no use. I had to get out of there. It was getting late. I have to think fast. Suddenly I had an idea. I remembered that I had a pocketknife in my pocket. I also remembered the way I came. I went that way, it was actually useful. When I got home I was soaking wet. I went upstairs and went to sleep.
One fall evening I went for a walk. I looked at the sun. It was setting. It was pretty. My shoes made a scratchy noise. I was with my family. We stopped at the stop sign. I found a rock. I threw it in the road. It was fum. I was almost night time. It was scary. It was fum. I was way ahead of my parents. I pretended I was in a marathon. Finally I was at home. I went to bed. My dream was that somebody smashed my rock in the road. I woke up. The rock was still there.
One fall morning I went for walk and looked outside. Leaves had fallen during the night. Leaves covered the ground. After breakfast I got my rake outside and jumped in the leaves. My pile was piling in the yard. I raked the yard so that there was a running path. SCRUNCH, SCRUNCH, SCRUNCH my body sank into the leaves. It left a sign of my body. I made a leaf angel. I found an old rake. I used it for raking. I thought it would be fum to get my friend and have a leaf fight but he was much better. I stopped to take a rest. I climbed out of my pile. I picked up the old rake and started raking. I told my parents thank you for letting me go outside. Before I went to bed I went to the garage, the old rake was not there. I went outside and it was on the ground. I dreamed that the leaves covered the whole yard. I woke up and my dream was true. I went outside to play with my friend.
One winter morning I woke up. I looked outside the window. It must have snowed last night. I went downstairs. I ate breakfast and then I put on my boos, mittens, snow pants, and hat. I went outside. I walked to the park. I stepped in a puddle. Splash, splash, splash. I made stripes and then dragged my feet in the snow. I made a long line. I stopped. I heard a bird. It was a blue jay. I climbed the tree. The tree wiggled the bird off the tree. I jumped off the tree and a big pile of snow fell plop on my head. I thought it would be fun to join my cousin in a snowball fight but they hit me hard so I went to the bench. I sat there for a while and then I got up. I pretended I was a mountain climber. I climbed a great big snow hill and I slid down the snow hill. I made snow angels and a snow man. I went inside. I told my mommy all about my adventure while my mom was taking my socks off. When my mom was done with diver I went downstairs. I ate dinner for a little while. I went upstairs. I changed my clothes. I checked my pocket. My snowball was melted. I was sad. I told my mommy and she said it was ok. So I went to sleep. I dreamed that the snow had melted. When I woke up there was new snow. So I went to change my clothes. I went downstairs I ate breakfast. After breakfast I put on my winter boots, mittens, scarf and hat and I went outside to play with my cousins.
One Hawaiian morning me and my mom and dad went across the road and across a sidewalk on the the greas and there was some birds on the grass. As I walked on the grass the a sound like a purr in their neck. I ran and threw sand as I ran across the sand. I threw sand and kicked sand up. Then I ran to the ocean and I as was not running long, I fell in three seconds into the ocean. I landed on a beautiful shell but the waves took it back. I thought it would be fun to look for it but I stopped to take a rest. I sat on the sand but there was a big wave that took me away. I pretended that I was a surfer. There was a surf board and I leaned on it but I dropped in the ocean. I felt a slippery rock. I picked it up. It was a green turtle that about to stick its head out. Then a big wave hit me and my pants were filled with sand. I went back to the ocean. It didn’t help. It happened again. I was so cold. I went to the Jacuzzi to warm up.
One summer morning I woke up and looked outside. The leaves were falling on the ground. I out on my hiking boots and went outside. I went outside and took a walk to play in the park. I climbed a tree. Scitch, scritch, scritch my boots were dragging. My dad said to not get my shoes dirty. I was hungry. I stopped for a second to watch a a robin put an egg in a nest. I found a baby bird. I could it to play with my sister. I thought it would be fun to make it to the top of the mountain. I started to get tired. I stopped to take a rest. I walked down the side of the mountain. I wanted something to remember this hike with. I picked up a rock and put it in my pocket. I made sure to thank my parents for taking me on this hike. I played in the sand with my family. It was almost dark so we went home. The next morning my sister woke me up. Today I am going to school so I brush my teeth then I eat breakfast. I come to the class and write the words. Then we go to the calendar. Then I read all by myself. Then my dad picks me up.
Once summer morning I woke up. The sun was in my eyes. I saw birds were chirping and I ate breakfast. I went to open the garage door. The wind was in my hair. When I went down my driveway it was hurting me. I needed a break for a while. But I still went. The trees were in my mom, dad and brother’s faces. When we got to the duck pond click, click went my wheels. We went o the park so we had to ride up the hill and I stopped to take a breath. I pretended that I was a Champlin Park group with my family. I rode down the hill and it was steep. It felt like I was on a roller coaster at the state fair and I said to myself, I like the pond. After I went to sleep I watched TV. I brushed my teeth. I said good night to my mom. I said I love you and she said good night and I went to bed.
One summer morning I woke up and looked outside our tent. There were gray clouds. I went to ask my dad to go for a walk. We went walking in the leaves. They went crunch, crunch. The squirrels were running up the trees too fast. We ran and we stepped in a puddle. It went splash, splash, splash. I walked slow. We stopped for a second, we looked up at the sky. I felt a poke at my leg. I looked down at my leg, it was a sticker. I just took it out. I thought it would be fun to run. My legs were getting tired. I stopped to take off my shoes. I pretended that I was climbing a mountain. I picked up dirt and I put it in the hole. I said to my dad, Thank you for taking me on a walk. Can we go tomorrow dad? So we did and that is that.
One day I woke up and looked out my window. I saw snow! On October 8th. I could not go outside because I was ready for A+. When I was in my car I looked out the window and looked at the snow. When I got to A+ I wanted to go in the snow but I couldn’t so I went crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. I was on the sidewalk. My feet stayed on top. When I went out to recess, I looked for snow. I found some! It was with my friends so I went to play. I thought it would be fun to make a snow mountain but my friends didn’t so we made a family out of snow. It was time to go in. So we crunched it. It was fun to make the snow family but I wanted to make a mountain. I looked at a rock. It was cool. Making the snow family was fun. I will never forget that day. I wanted to keep some snow but I couldn’t. So I said good-bye to the now until another day.
One summer morning I woke up and looked out my window. The sun was shining. After breakfast I put my clothes on. Then I went outside. I was almost there. I was excited. Finally, I was there, I was at the Mississippi River. I looked around for some rocks to throw in the river. I found some. Spash, splash, splash, splash, I threw them in. I thought it would be fun to look for some more. Then I stopped to look at the river. Then I started to walk home. I had a fun time after I went home. When I got home I told my mom I saved a rock for my mom.
The Best Walk Ever
One summer morning I woke up and looked outside my window. The sun was peeking through the trees. I saw a bird high about the trees. After I was done eating I put on my shorts and ran outside. My yard was as green as a tree. Swosh, swosh, swosh my shoes left a neat track on the grass. My shoes were wet from the grass. I stopped for a second to watch a turtle cross the yard. I found the baby turtle so I picked it up and set it by its mother. I thought it would be fun to ride my bike. But I fell. I stopped to check my knee. I got back up and pretended that I was a famous bike rider! I saw that a rock looked like a heart. I pout the rock in my pocket. I made sure I said thank you for helping me up and taking me on that adventure. Before I went to bed I looked at the rock one more time and put it on my dresser. It reminds me of my great grandma who died.
One summer morning I woke up and I looked out the window. The sun was bright. I closed my eyes. It was fall, I got dressed up. I ran to my mom and dad’s room. I said can we go hiking. We ran. I saw birds, they were tweeting. I said, “Wow!”
We got to the hike. The wind was blowing. My feet went click, click, click. The path was long and I saw a bird. I saw a stick in the grass. I thought it would be fun to run. I got tired of running and stopped to sit down. I pretended that was the king. Then I climbed a tree. I jumped off the tree. I grabbed a leaf and put it in my pocket. We ran home. The leave dropped out of my pocket. I went out and I grabbed some more and put them in my pocket. I went to sleep, I dreamed about more leaves. I got out of bed and made a big pile of leaves. I jumped in the leaf pile. I woke up, the leaves were gone. I ran to my jacket and checked my pocket and it was gone. I ran back outside. I chased after some leaves. I stopped and the leaf stopped. I touched the leaf but the wind blew it away and I ran and ran. I was tired of running. I walked home. I sat down on the sofa. I was so hungry. I made cookies with my mom. It was fun. I jumped up and down. I took a nap on the sofa. I heard a noise. I woke up. The cookies were done. I ran to the kitchen. I said, yum! My dad smelled the cookies, he said yum. “Mom makes good cookies”, I said to my dad.
Walking to the Duck Pond
One summer afternoon I went for a walk. We were walking to the duck pond. I stepped in a mud puddle. Step, step, step. I left mud tracks. Stopped for a couple of minutes to talk to a friend. I found a huge stick. I started to get thirsty so I stopped to get my water bottle from my dad. I started to go home. When I was half way home my feet started to get cold. I finally got home.
One winter morning I looked out the window and saw snow! Everything was covered with snow! I went over to my friends house to see if they could play in the snow! After breakfast I put on my snowsuit and laid with my friend in the snow. We threw snowballs at each other. We looked up the path, we saw more snow! Smuch, smuch, smuch smuch, my shoes sank in the snow. I walked with my feet pointing backwards! I stopped for a second to watch an eagle land on a tree. I found a snow man named Bob! I thought it would be fun to throw a snowball at my neighbor but I missed! I stopped to take a pop in the face (I took a drink of pop). I pretended I was a famous snowball thrower. Bam! I started to go back home I saw a rock. I picked it up. I made sure to thank my parents for letting me play with my friends. Before I went to bed I looked in my pocket. My rock was gone. I cried. My mom told me it was fine so I stopped crying and I went to bed. The End
One day I woke up. It was a beautiful morning. I looked out of the window. My mom and dad and I went for a long walk. I had my skateboard with me. We walked to the skateboard park, it was so cool. It was awesome. Thank you mom and dad. You guys are awesome! I love you guys! We forgot my sister. She called my dad. She was worried. My sister said, “Where were you guys?” My mom said, “We are sorry that we forgot you. When we got home I put my skateboard in the garage. Then I asked my dad if we could go to the skate park tomorrow. We did and we had pie for breakfast. That was good pumpkin pie.
The Leaf Walk
After school in the fall I went for a walk. I looked at the trees. The sun was coming through the trees. I saw my driveway. The trees were very tall. Tap, tap, tap, I walked across the road. I stopped at the other side to pick up a leaf. I climbed up a rock because my feet were tired. Then I jumped off. I turned to go home. It was fun. Before I got home I looked in my hand. The leaf was crumpled. I knew it was just a leaf. I can remember it.
One summer morning I was walking in the woods. I looked inside the building. It was fresh. I saw a fox in the woods. I put on my socks and my shoes. There were big big big trees. It looked spooky but I wasn’t scared that much. I saw somebody right in front of me. They were riding a bike. It was a she and I said hi and she said hi back. I said thank you. I was somewhere. I was scared. I found apples and berries. I ate them. I was harry and I found a little light behind me. I ran and ran. I was almost there and I wasn’t scared anymore. I was half way there. I was a little more. I looked down the path I was on. I was happy because I was almost out of there. I was tired. I was finally out. I was walking on the path and there was sweat all over me. I was very tired. I was finally home.
One early summer day I looked through the trees. I opened the door. I ran through the lawn. It was wet. I walked over a hill and went over a road. I walked along the road. My mom followed behind me. We were going to Andrew’s Park. Stomp, Stomp, Stomp. I tripped on garbage, my hand got scrapped. I found a rock in the green grass. I tried to skip it. It didn’t go anywhere. I asked if we were there. She said no in a calm voice. “Come on!” I exclaimed. I pretended I was there. My mom ran over my toe. “OUCH!” I screamed. I asked my mom if I could run and she said yes nicely. I picked a flower and ran. I stopped and went down the slide. “Weee!” I declared. I looked at the flower. It was squished. I cried. My mom cheered me up. She picked another one. “Thank you,” I said calmly.
One autumn night I went toad hunting. I had to go back. My mom told me I needed a sweater. It was cold. The wind had picked up. I could not stand it. It was very scary to have such a big wind. I kept going. It was getting harder. All of the sudden it seemed that everything got better. Then things got worse. I thought I heard thunder. I tried to get out but it was no use. I had to get out of there. It was getting late. I have to think fast. Suddenly I had an idea. I remembered that I had a pocketknife in my pocket. I also remembered the way I came. I went that way, it was actually useful. When I got home I was soaking wet. I went upstairs and went to sleep.
One fall evening I went for a walk. I looked at the sun. It was setting. It was pretty. My shoes made a scratchy noise. I was with my family. We stopped at the stop sign. I found a rock. I threw it in the road. It was fum. I was almost night time. It was scary. It was fum. I was way ahead of my parents. I pretended I was in a marathon. Finally I was at home. I went to bed. My dream was that somebody smashed my rock in the road. I woke up. The rock was still there.
One fall morning I went for walk and looked outside. Leaves had fallen during the night. Leaves covered the ground. After breakfast I got my rake outside and jumped in the leaves. My pile was piling in the yard. I raked the yard so that there was a running path. SCRUNCH, SCRUNCH, SCRUNCH my body sank into the leaves. It left a sign of my body. I made a leaf angel. I found an old rake. I used it for raking. I thought it would be fum to get my friend and have a leaf fight but he was much better. I stopped to take a rest. I climbed out of my pile. I picked up the old rake and started raking. I told my parents thank you for letting me go outside. Before I went to bed I went to the garage, the old rake was not there. I went outside and it was on the ground. I dreamed that the leaves covered the whole yard. I woke up and my dream was true. I went outside to play with my friend.
One winter morning I woke up. I looked outside the window. It must have snowed last night. I went downstairs. I ate breakfast and then I put on my boos, mittens, snow pants, and hat. I went outside. I walked to the park. I stepped in a puddle. Splash, splash, splash. I made stripes and then dragged my feet in the snow. I made a long line. I stopped. I heard a bird. It was a blue jay. I climbed the tree. The tree wiggled the bird off the tree. I jumped off the tree and a big pile of snow fell plop on my head. I thought it would be fun to join my cousin in a snowball fight but they hit me hard so I went to the bench. I sat there for a while and then I got up. I pretended I was a mountain climber. I climbed a great big snow hill and I slid down the snow hill. I made snow angels and a snow man. I went inside. I told my mommy all about my adventure while my mom was taking my socks off. When my mom was done with diver I went downstairs. I ate dinner for a little while. I went upstairs. I changed my clothes. I checked my pocket. My snowball was melted. I was sad. I told my mommy and she said it was ok. So I went to sleep. I dreamed that the snow had melted. When I woke up there was new snow. So I went to change my clothes. I went downstairs I ate breakfast. After breakfast I put on my winter boots, mittens, scarf and hat and I went outside to play with my cousins.
One Hawaiian morning me and my mom and dad went across the road and across a sidewalk on the the greas and there was some birds on the grass. As I walked on the grass the a sound like a purr in their neck. I ran and threw sand as I ran across the sand. I threw sand and kicked sand up. Then I ran to the ocean and I as was not running long, I fell in three seconds into the ocean. I landed on a beautiful shell but the waves took it back. I thought it would be fun to look for it but I stopped to take a rest. I sat on the sand but there was a big wave that took me away. I pretended that I was a surfer. There was a surf board and I leaned on it but I dropped in the ocean. I felt a slippery rock. I picked it up. It was a green turtle that about to stick its head out. Then a big wave hit me and my pants were filled with sand. I went back to the ocean. It didn’t help. It happened again. I was so cold. I went to the Jacuzzi to warm up.
One summer morning I woke up and looked outside. The leaves were falling on the ground. I out on my hiking boots and went outside. I went outside and took a walk to play in the park. I climbed a tree. Scitch, scritch, scritch my boots were dragging. My dad said to not get my shoes dirty. I was hungry. I stopped for a second to watch a a robin put an egg in a nest. I found a baby bird. I could it to play with my sister. I thought it would be fun to make it to the top of the mountain. I started to get tired. I stopped to take a rest. I walked down the side of the mountain. I wanted something to remember this hike with. I picked up a rock and put it in my pocket. I made sure to thank my parents for taking me on this hike. I played in the sand with my family. It was almost dark so we went home. The next morning my sister woke me up. Today I am going to school so I brush my teeth then I eat breakfast. I come to the class and write the words. Then we go to the calendar. Then I read all by myself. Then my dad picks me up.
Once summer morning I woke up. The sun was in my eyes. I saw birds were chirping and I ate breakfast. I went to open the garage door. The wind was in my hair. When I went down my driveway it was hurting me. I needed a break for a while. But I still went. The trees were in my mom, dad and brother’s faces. When we got to the duck pond click, click went my wheels. We went o the park so we had to ride up the hill and I stopped to take a breath. I pretended that I was a Champlin Park group with my family. I rode down the hill and it was steep. It felt like I was on a roller coaster at the state fair and I said to myself, I like the pond. After I went to sleep I watched TV. I brushed my teeth. I said good night to my mom. I said I love you and she said good night and I went to bed.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Leaf Walk
After school in the fall I went for a walk. I looked at the trees. The sun was coming through the trees. I saw my driveway. The trees were very tall. Tap, tap, tap, I walked across the road. I stopped on the other side to pick up a leaf. I climbed a rock because my feet were tired. Then I jumped off. Then I turned around to go home. It was fun. Before I got home I looked in my hand. The leaf was crumpled. I knew it was just a leaf, I can remember it.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Writer's Workshop
Cleaning the House
I cleaned the house with my mom. I cleaned the living room. I picked up scraps a lot. I went down stairs. I said, I will help you mom. My mom took a rest on the couch. I use the vacuum and cleaned and took a rest. Then my mom went to clean the bathroom. I woke up and helped my mom.
My Life
My mom old me that a stroke means his brain is bleeding, so we went shopping for my dad. I missed my dad a lot. I remember when we surprised me. I was talking about my dad.
My brother was in school. My dad was supposed to pick him up. He did not come back. My dad drove all the way to Brooklyn Park because he was sick, he had a stroke! he went to the emergency hospital. Water was dripping from my sisters eyes. I felt sad for her. I tried to make her happy.
The Super Fast Water Slide
I went swimming with Victoria and Marisa. I went down the slide, don don don... before I knew it, wooosh. I went speeding down the slide. I went again and again. I went 19 times. I had an awesome time going down the slide! Then there was a safety break, then we went to get a snack. After the safety break I went back on the water slide again and again and again. Then I wanted to go so I said to my mom, “Can I go one more time please mom?”
“Thank you,” I said after we went home. I had a fun time going swimming.
My Grandma’s
I got to go to my Grandma’s house! I felt great. I really wanted to go. Now we finally went. I was bouncing in my seat. We got some lunch and got McDonald’s. We got there . I jumped out the open door and said hi. I said hi and bounced outside and I saw the garden. I saw all the vegetables. They looked good. I went back then suddenly someone opened up the door. It was my auntie and uncle Austin and these girls came in. I said, What is your name? The two girls said there names. One girl’s name was Alley and the other girl’s name was Katie. I said my name was Barb. I said what is your age? And they said 5 and 6. My age is 7 too and that was very cool.
I cleaned the house with my mom. I cleaned the living room. I picked up scraps a lot. I went down stairs. I said, I will help you mom. My mom took a rest on the couch. I use the vacuum and cleaned and took a rest. Then my mom went to clean the bathroom. I woke up and helped my mom.
My Life
My mom old me that a stroke means his brain is bleeding, so we went shopping for my dad. I missed my dad a lot. I remember when we surprised me. I was talking about my dad.
My brother was in school. My dad was supposed to pick him up. He did not come back. My dad drove all the way to Brooklyn Park because he was sick, he had a stroke! he went to the emergency hospital. Water was dripping from my sisters eyes. I felt sad for her. I tried to make her happy.
The Super Fast Water Slide
I went swimming with Victoria and Marisa. I went down the slide, don don don... before I knew it, wooosh. I went speeding down the slide. I went again and again. I went 19 times. I had an awesome time going down the slide! Then there was a safety break, then we went to get a snack. After the safety break I went back on the water slide again and again and again. Then I wanted to go so I said to my mom, “Can I go one more time please mom?”
“Thank you,” I said after we went home. I had a fun time going swimming.
My Grandma’s
I got to go to my Grandma’s house! I felt great. I really wanted to go. Now we finally went. I was bouncing in my seat. We got some lunch and got McDonald’s. We got there . I jumped out the open door and said hi. I said hi and bounced outside and I saw the garden. I saw all the vegetables. They looked good. I went back then suddenly someone opened up the door. It was my auntie and uncle Austin and these girls came in. I said, What is your name? The two girls said there names. One girl’s name was Alley and the other girl’s name was Katie. I said my name was Barb. I said what is your age? And they said 5 and 6. My age is 7 too and that was very cool.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Writing 1
King Sized Cotton
I and my friend went to the Mall of America. It was awesome. I got a king size cotton candy and it was good and I fainted because it was so good. They took me to the nurse and they fixed me up. After I woke up me and my friend went too wild.
The Tree House Adventure
I went to my cousin’s house because my mom and dad had an adult party. For dinner we had pizza and chicken nuggets. The next morning they shoed me their tree house. The berries were edible so we picked some before we ate any. We washed them first and then we ate them. Then my brother and my cousin got more wood nails and a hammer. We pounded down some branches. We invited Ben V. and we had an adventure.
The Playing
I was playing because I wanted to. My mom went to me and my mom said can I play with you.
The Store
My mom take me to the store and by a new shoe, shirt, candy, scarf, pants, gloves, apples, juice then we go home. The next morning my dad and my mom we go to see my aurnties then go outside and play then we go home. The next morning I ride my bike . It was fun to ride.
The Bike Ride to the Coon Rapids Dam
My family is going to the Coon Rapids Dam. We all take off on our bikes. We ride past houses. We come to a stop. We keep on going. We saw a TV on the side of the road. We go on a trial. The leaves fall upon us. We stop to get a drink and I take a sip. I found a dead bee on me. The wind was blowing in my face. My hair was swinging through the air. I keep pedaling my feet were getting tired. I saw a park. My bike was getting out of balance. We came to a stop. “We’re almost there,” said my mom. My pedals on my bike were going faster and faster across the trail. The wheels were going round and round. My hands were holding on tight.
Sweat was dripping down my face. We finally got there. We rode our bikes on the cement. The water falls were streaming down the water falls. There were fishermen at the side.
Our bicycle wheels turned around as we rode slowly across the sidewalk. As we rode across we turned onto a different sidewalk as awe stop to make a decision which way to go. My dad fixed my seat because it was crooked. His had touched my seat as it turned. Cars were going passed us. My little brother started talking in baby language. Our bikes started moving again and we went a different way than we went before. We pass tree. I looked ahead of me and we were getting closer. I was getting happier and happier. We rode to the rocks in our driveway. I get off my bike. I took a step on the grass and went in the shed to park my bike.
I went to Daisy Camp and someone got sick and it was my friend Alana! She and my friend Emma were in a room with two beds but Emma wasn’t sick. She was just helping her. So no one was going to get sick. They finally got out and they had lunch and dinner with us and then they went back in. When it was time to leave they came out and I went back home. I was tired and I went to sleep. The next day I went to school. I brought my Daisy bag and talked about my bag and the next day I went to my Daisies and we did a skit because we were doing it for our moms. We were going to do it by the next Thursday. I was so excited I was jumping for joy. I couldn’t wait for Thursday and then I got a gumball. I got green and then Amber’s mom drove me home and I got on the TV. I watched a cool show. I did not know what I was watching. It was a girl show.
Oh my goodness I was tired. I needed a nap. I went to brush my teeth and I went to bed. I heard something. I thought it was a ghost. I wasn’t afraid. I knew it was my cat Emily. She jumped on my bed and she tickled my feet with her claws. She crawled around my neck. It tickled. She meowed. Cats are funny ha, ha. Then she dropped on the floor.
Facing Ben
On Saturday I faced Ben’s flag football team. They were really good but at the second Noah got a touchdown. Then it was 6 to 12. I got a flag. It was fourth down and they went for a big bomb. He passed it and they caught it but I got the quarterbacks flag just before he threw it. Once they did a reverse somebody was blocking me but I got his flag so we won.
I went SCUBA diving. I really saw whales when I went SCUBA diving. Did you know that? A whales spine is 2 times bigger than our spine. Our spine is so small it is probably 5 inches. Did you know that girls are smarter than boys? It is true.
Practice Swimming
I went swimming at Jackson Middle School. I was shy. I took all my clothes off except my swimming pants. I went in the water. It was cold. I got into it. I was warm. I practiced. We all went to Walmart. We bought a lot of stuff. We paid them and then we went home.
Rainy Rainy Splash Splash on my head.
We were playing soccer and I had the ball and then Will took the ball and he shot the ball but he missed and got in Brandon’s face. Then I got the ball and I made a score!!!
Night Wrestle
Once I had a sleepover at my Grandma’s house. When were about to wake up we wrestled in bed.
School Mystery
I was just getting out of school when I remembered it was Friday. So I went to the front office and looked for my dad… He wasn’t there DUN! DUN! DUN! So I went outside and walked to my daycare and my dad picked me up.
My Dog
Me and my family wanted a dog so bad I tell you!! So we went to a house. We saw a real cute dog! He was so cute! My mom asked me and my sister if we wanted him. Of course I wanted him and my sister wanted him too! My mom thought he was cute! And my dad thought he was cute too! SO we got him and his name is Toby!!
I and my friend went to the Mall of America. It was awesome. I got a king size cotton candy and it was good and I fainted because it was so good. They took me to the nurse and they fixed me up. After I woke up me and my friend went too wild.
The Tree House Adventure
I went to my cousin’s house because my mom and dad had an adult party. For dinner we had pizza and chicken nuggets. The next morning they shoed me their tree house. The berries were edible so we picked some before we ate any. We washed them first and then we ate them. Then my brother and my cousin got more wood nails and a hammer. We pounded down some branches. We invited Ben V. and we had an adventure.
The Playing
I was playing because I wanted to. My mom went to me and my mom said can I play with you.
The Store
My mom take me to the store and by a new shoe, shirt, candy, scarf, pants, gloves, apples, juice then we go home. The next morning my dad and my mom we go to see my aurnties then go outside and play then we go home. The next morning I ride my bike . It was fun to ride.
The Bike Ride to the Coon Rapids Dam
My family is going to the Coon Rapids Dam. We all take off on our bikes. We ride past houses. We come to a stop. We keep on going. We saw a TV on the side of the road. We go on a trial. The leaves fall upon us. We stop to get a drink and I take a sip. I found a dead bee on me. The wind was blowing in my face. My hair was swinging through the air. I keep pedaling my feet were getting tired. I saw a park. My bike was getting out of balance. We came to a stop. “We’re almost there,” said my mom. My pedals on my bike were going faster and faster across the trail. The wheels were going round and round. My hands were holding on tight.
Sweat was dripping down my face. We finally got there. We rode our bikes on the cement. The water falls were streaming down the water falls. There were fishermen at the side.
Our bicycle wheels turned around as we rode slowly across the sidewalk. As we rode across we turned onto a different sidewalk as awe stop to make a decision which way to go. My dad fixed my seat because it was crooked. His had touched my seat as it turned. Cars were going passed us. My little brother started talking in baby language. Our bikes started moving again and we went a different way than we went before. We pass tree. I looked ahead of me and we were getting closer. I was getting happier and happier. We rode to the rocks in our driveway. I get off my bike. I took a step on the grass and went in the shed to park my bike.
I went to Daisy Camp and someone got sick and it was my friend Alana! She and my friend Emma were in a room with two beds but Emma wasn’t sick. She was just helping her. So no one was going to get sick. They finally got out and they had lunch and dinner with us and then they went back in. When it was time to leave they came out and I went back home. I was tired and I went to sleep. The next day I went to school. I brought my Daisy bag and talked about my bag and the next day I went to my Daisies and we did a skit because we were doing it for our moms. We were going to do it by the next Thursday. I was so excited I was jumping for joy. I couldn’t wait for Thursday and then I got a gumball. I got green and then Amber’s mom drove me home and I got on the TV. I watched a cool show. I did not know what I was watching. It was a girl show.
Oh my goodness I was tired. I needed a nap. I went to brush my teeth and I went to bed. I heard something. I thought it was a ghost. I wasn’t afraid. I knew it was my cat Emily. She jumped on my bed and she tickled my feet with her claws. She crawled around my neck. It tickled. She meowed. Cats are funny ha, ha. Then she dropped on the floor.
Facing Ben
On Saturday I faced Ben’s flag football team. They were really good but at the second Noah got a touchdown. Then it was 6 to 12. I got a flag. It was fourth down and they went for a big bomb. He passed it and they caught it but I got the quarterbacks flag just before he threw it. Once they did a reverse somebody was blocking me but I got his flag so we won.
I went SCUBA diving. I really saw whales when I went SCUBA diving. Did you know that? A whales spine is 2 times bigger than our spine. Our spine is so small it is probably 5 inches. Did you know that girls are smarter than boys? It is true.
Practice Swimming
I went swimming at Jackson Middle School. I was shy. I took all my clothes off except my swimming pants. I went in the water. It was cold. I got into it. I was warm. I practiced. We all went to Walmart. We bought a lot of stuff. We paid them and then we went home.
Rainy Rainy Splash Splash on my head.
We were playing soccer and I had the ball and then Will took the ball and he shot the ball but he missed and got in Brandon’s face. Then I got the ball and I made a score!!!
Night Wrestle
Once I had a sleepover at my Grandma’s house. When were about to wake up we wrestled in bed.
School Mystery
I was just getting out of school when I remembered it was Friday. So I went to the front office and looked for my dad… He wasn’t there DUN! DUN! DUN! So I went outside and walked to my daycare and my dad picked me up.
My Dog
Me and my family wanted a dog so bad I tell you!! So we went to a house. We saw a real cute dog! He was so cute! My mom asked me and my sister if we wanted him. Of course I wanted him and my sister wanted him too! My mom thought he was cute! And my dad thought he was cute too! SO we got him and his name is Toby!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Parent Night Outline
Welcome to Parent Night!
Our 2EE Community this year:
My Teaching Philosophy: The goal is growth!!!! These kids are beautiful, brilliant and amazing. Let’s find our passion and find the the wonder of living!
Our Daily Schedule:
9:15 Students may arrive
9:30 Morning Work, Morning Meeting
9:55 Math
11:45 Lunch and Recess
12:45 Spelling and Handwriting
1:00 Reading Mini Lesson (Comprehension Strategies, Vocabulary, etc.)
1:45 Writers Workshop
2:30 Snack and Read Aloud
2:45 Specials: Day 1-Art Day 2-Phy Ed, Music
Day 3-Prep Para, Media Day 4-Prep Para, Music Day 5-Phy Ed
3:45 Prepare for Dismissal
Oxbow Main Office: 763-506-3800
Oxbow Absence Line: 763-506-3806
Oxbow’s Website: http://www.anoka.k12.mn.us/oxbowcreek
My Email: Neil.Eerdmans@anoka.k12.mn.us
2EE Website: http://www.anoka.k12.mn.us/E2quest
Bi-Weekly newsletter: Coming home every other Friday
#1 piece of homework: Read! Read! Read!
Reading Calendars: Record your minutes on your reading calendar. Any minutes he/she reads count. Any minutes read to your child count as well! This is your child’s #1 priority when it comes to homework. Please return your monthly reading calendar as soon as the month ends. The first one will be due the first week of October.
A homework packet will come home on most Thursdays. This packet will have math problems that go along with what we are doing in math and a reading selection. Spelling words come home on Monday and the tests will be at the end of the week.
Book a Day- Volunteers!
I love “book a day,” it gets kids to practice reading with quality literature! As far as “book a day” goes, if your child is not ready to read certain books, read the book to them and they can tell the volunteer what the book was about. This will show if your child is able to follow the stories and discuss parts of the story. (Plot, setting, and characters) Get your kids to give the starting sounds of words, words form context clues, and have them read easy sight words. Get your child to read on their own. Reading together will model that reading is a fun activity, and something that we can enjoy together! Each child will bring home a book every night to read to their parents or have it read to them. If you have a book going at home, USE THAT BOOK for book a night. The key is that we are reading! The next day they discuss what the story was about with the volunteer. The kids get a charge out of reading to you as well. It is critical that kids find reading to be an enjoyable activity!! I am very flexible with times; we can work it out! I will also use volunteers for mastery checking, although “book a night” is a great assessment tool in itself! Have fun with this and do it regularly!! This is your child’s homework.
Spelling words come home every Monday. Our spelling tests are every Friday. If a week has 3 or fewer days of school in it there will be no list for that week. Practicing daily will help students retain the words longer than cramming it all in Thursday night!
Those of you who really want to get a jump start should start working on common contractions. (i.e. does not=doesn’t) That’s our hardest test of the year!
Check out this site: SpellingCity.com Students can go to this site and test themselves with spelling words, hear a voice pronounce the words, use the words in a sentence. There are also games to play with the words.
What will reading look like in 2EE?
The Daily 3: Students engage in 3 out of 4 of the following tasks:
1. Read to self 2. Read with a partner 3. Meet with your reading teacher 4. Respond to your reading. (Writing, filling out a graphic organizer, etc.)
I get to read with students 1-1 and in small groups. I am able to keep track of progress and encourage the kids as they grow. It is great!
What will math look like in 2EE?
Daily Math Message, Mental Math, Using different strategies to problem solve, Understanding vs. memorization, Spiraling skills, Math journals, Student reference books, Math games, Homework Links. The math curriculum that we started last year is great!!
Social Studies
These will be intermixed with the theme books and centers. They will rotate throughout the year. We are now working on bus safety for health. The virtual journey is an incredible way to address these objectives!!
Why do I like the MAP test so much? It is like a time trial! It shows growth!
Our Theme-
E2 Quest: Coast to Coast
This year we will be crossing The United States. Each of the students will be a local yocal and take two of the cities along the route. They will tell us about where they live and what is significant about the area. It is fun and we will all learn a lot. We use the Internet to share our many exciting adventures. The writing is real. The trip teaches that writing is used to convey information, communicate, and to entertain. There is a natural application to math when considering a trip. There is the budget, miles, traveled, problems faced and solved, packing, and transportation. There are easy ties to our science, health, and social studies curriculum as well. Simply put, traveling is one of the best ways to learn, even if it is virtual. The places are real and all the situations we face teach lessons of independence and interdependence. As we cross the country we will face many celebrations and challenges. Each of these challenges contains a lesson. We have to deal with the weather, people, terrain, and each other. The lessons are applicable to life and made real by the Internet. If you want a peek, check out last years trip at www.e2quest.blogspot.com I will use the first two months to insure we have a grasp of the standards and the packages. In November we will begin to work with the theme and I hope that you can take part!
September 22: Kelley Farm Field Trip (9:30-1:15)
September 23: Picture Day (Envelopes coming soon)
October 15-16: MEA (No school)
October 19: No school (Staff Development)
October 20, 22, and 23: Goal setting conferences
October 27: No school
November 26, 27: Thanksgiving (No school)
December 15: Old Log Theatre Field Trip
December 22: 2EE Class Holiday Party 1:30-2:30
Winter Break: December 23-January 4
Some practical ways to help your 2nd Grader:
1. Read with your child: Read to them and let them read to you! Talk about what you read. Make it pleasurable!
2. Limit screen time: When it comes to reading I don’t think T.V., video games, and computers are our enemies….. but they surely are our competitors!
Look at the math if your child replaced just one ½ hour show a day with reading: 30 minutes x 30 days = A monthly calendar with 900 minutes!
3. The pleasure principle: Do all you can to connect pleasure with reading. Get cozy! Curl up together. Stack books around the house. Put books by your beds!
4. Money Jar: Give your child a jar with change and/or bills. Change the amount often. Practice counting. Ask your child to show you different combinations to make specific amounts of money.
5. Telling Time: Time can be very difficult for second graders. Point out the hour and minute hands. Count the minutes around a clock. Talk about what time it is throughout the day.
6. Writing: In second grade we do a lot of writing about everyday life experiences. Some kids have a tough time trying to figure out something to write about. As fun, interesting things happen in your child’s life remind him/her to write about it at school!
7. Handwriting: Help your child to keep practicing the correct formation of their letters. Remind him/her when to use upper and lower cases letters. We do not learn cursive writing in second grade.
8. Learning on the Computer: Useful Links on Oxbow and 2EE’s Website: These free links will connect you with all sorts of games and activities that support our learning. Kids will be familiar with these websites since we visit them during our computer time.
Plastic home folder: Please check every night and send back every morning!
Water Bottles: Our brains need water so water bottles are very welcome in 2EE. Remind your child to bring it home for regular washings!
Snack Time: Sending a snack with your child is optional but the afternoons do get long! Healthy (or at least somewhat healthy!) snacks only. Students are not allowed to “share” snacks.
Birthday Treats: Students may bring a store bought birthday treat if they so choose to. We presently have 26 students in our class. IMPORTANT NOTE: We have students in our room with peanut allergies.
Going outdoors: If it is above zero degrees we go out. Please send your child prepared! If your child is well enough for school our school policy is that he is well enough to go outside so staying in is not an option.
Morning media check out: Students can check out books every day of the year from 9:15-9:30A.M. What a great privilege!
Bring home books from our classroom: Students are also allowed to borrow my books. That’s why I have them!!! Please don’t forget to return them!
Scholastic book orders: Almost every month I will send home Scholastic book order flyers. These are totally optional but usually include a lot of great deals. They are always due on the 15th of that month!
Lunch money: Try to remember to write your child’s pin number on your check when you send lunch money. If you have to send cash put it in an envelope and label it with your child’s name, homeroom (2EE), and pin #.
Supply list: If your child needs something a note will come home.
Show and Tell: Each week your child will have a day for show and tell. Have them bring a few items that can be shared with our class so we could better get to know them. An example might be a boy bringing a baseball, a picture of his dog, and a rock from his rock collection.
*Reading calendars: Just one more reminder…Reading calendars are due at the beginning of each month with a record of all the minutes read in the previous month. Don’t forget that minutes your child is read to by someone else count as well! If this stresses your child DO NOT use this. Some kids love it others don’t. We want to make reading a good thing!
Parties: We will have 3 parties this year and I have a sign up for party volunteers.
If you would like to help that would be great! We usually meet at Caribou a couple
of weeks before the party to make our plan!
We are partners- 1/3, 1/3, 1/3
I hope we will be friends!
I need to be your partner. Please communicate with me! If I don’t return a call during the day, I will try in the evening. Your child is going to go through some big changes this year and will be learning a lot. Let’s work together to make this a great year!
Call Me! Or Email Me!!
Please call if you have a concern. I am almost always check my voicemail by 7:30. The number is 506-3843. Each night I will leave a detailed description of the days activities so that you can discuss the days events with your child. I am great at replying to e mail at all hours, Neil.Eerdmans@anoka.k12.mn.us!!
Our Goal is Growth!
P.S. You may here the terms BBA, Green, URLoved, Highlights, Cinema and others… I will try to get to those tonight or you could youtube search Neil Eerdmans and here more about these terms. Thanks!!
Our 2EE Community this year:
My Teaching Philosophy: The goal is growth!!!! These kids are beautiful, brilliant and amazing. Let’s find our passion and find the the wonder of living!
Our Daily Schedule:
9:15 Students may arrive
9:30 Morning Work, Morning Meeting
9:55 Math
11:45 Lunch and Recess
12:45 Spelling and Handwriting
1:00 Reading Mini Lesson (Comprehension Strategies, Vocabulary, etc.)
1:45 Writers Workshop
2:30 Snack and Read Aloud
2:45 Specials: Day 1-Art Day 2-Phy Ed, Music
Day 3-Prep Para, Media Day 4-Prep Para, Music Day 5-Phy Ed
3:45 Prepare for Dismissal
Oxbow Main Office: 763-506-3800
Oxbow Absence Line: 763-506-3806
Oxbow’s Website: http://www.anoka.k12.mn.us/oxbowcreek
My Email: Neil.Eerdmans@anoka.k12.mn.us
2EE Website: http://www.anoka.k12.mn.us/E2quest
Bi-Weekly newsletter: Coming home every other Friday
#1 piece of homework: Read! Read! Read!
Reading Calendars: Record your minutes on your reading calendar. Any minutes he/she reads count. Any minutes read to your child count as well! This is your child’s #1 priority when it comes to homework. Please return your monthly reading calendar as soon as the month ends. The first one will be due the first week of October.
A homework packet will come home on most Thursdays. This packet will have math problems that go along with what we are doing in math and a reading selection. Spelling words come home on Monday and the tests will be at the end of the week.
Book a Day- Volunteers!
I love “book a day,” it gets kids to practice reading with quality literature! As far as “book a day” goes, if your child is not ready to read certain books, read the book to them and they can tell the volunteer what the book was about. This will show if your child is able to follow the stories and discuss parts of the story. (Plot, setting, and characters) Get your kids to give the starting sounds of words, words form context clues, and have them read easy sight words. Get your child to read on their own. Reading together will model that reading is a fun activity, and something that we can enjoy together! Each child will bring home a book every night to read to their parents or have it read to them. If you have a book going at home, USE THAT BOOK for book a night. The key is that we are reading! The next day they discuss what the story was about with the volunteer. The kids get a charge out of reading to you as well. It is critical that kids find reading to be an enjoyable activity!! I am very flexible with times; we can work it out! I will also use volunteers for mastery checking, although “book a night” is a great assessment tool in itself! Have fun with this and do it regularly!! This is your child’s homework.
Spelling words come home every Monday. Our spelling tests are every Friday. If a week has 3 or fewer days of school in it there will be no list for that week. Practicing daily will help students retain the words longer than cramming it all in Thursday night!
Those of you who really want to get a jump start should start working on common contractions. (i.e. does not=doesn’t) That’s our hardest test of the year!
Check out this site: SpellingCity.com Students can go to this site and test themselves with spelling words, hear a voice pronounce the words, use the words in a sentence. There are also games to play with the words.
What will reading look like in 2EE?
The Daily 3: Students engage in 3 out of 4 of the following tasks:
1. Read to self 2. Read with a partner 3. Meet with your reading teacher 4. Respond to your reading. (Writing, filling out a graphic organizer, etc.)
I get to read with students 1-1 and in small groups. I am able to keep track of progress and encourage the kids as they grow. It is great!
What will math look like in 2EE?
Daily Math Message, Mental Math, Using different strategies to problem solve, Understanding vs. memorization, Spiraling skills, Math journals, Student reference books, Math games, Homework Links. The math curriculum that we started last year is great!!
Social Studies
These will be intermixed with the theme books and centers. They will rotate throughout the year. We are now working on bus safety for health. The virtual journey is an incredible way to address these objectives!!
Why do I like the MAP test so much? It is like a time trial! It shows growth!
Our Theme-
E2 Quest: Coast to Coast
This year we will be crossing The United States. Each of the students will be a local yocal and take two of the cities along the route. They will tell us about where they live and what is significant about the area. It is fun and we will all learn a lot. We use the Internet to share our many exciting adventures. The writing is real. The trip teaches that writing is used to convey information, communicate, and to entertain. There is a natural application to math when considering a trip. There is the budget, miles, traveled, problems faced and solved, packing, and transportation. There are easy ties to our science, health, and social studies curriculum as well. Simply put, traveling is one of the best ways to learn, even if it is virtual. The places are real and all the situations we face teach lessons of independence and interdependence. As we cross the country we will face many celebrations and challenges. Each of these challenges contains a lesson. We have to deal with the weather, people, terrain, and each other. The lessons are applicable to life and made real by the Internet. If you want a peek, check out last years trip at www.e2quest.blogspot.com I will use the first two months to insure we have a grasp of the standards and the packages. In November we will begin to work with the theme and I hope that you can take part!
September 22: Kelley Farm Field Trip (9:30-1:15)
September 23: Picture Day (Envelopes coming soon)
October 15-16: MEA (No school)
October 19: No school (Staff Development)
October 20, 22, and 23: Goal setting conferences
October 27: No school
November 26, 27: Thanksgiving (No school)
December 15: Old Log Theatre Field Trip
December 22: 2EE Class Holiday Party 1:30-2:30
Winter Break: December 23-January 4
Some practical ways to help your 2nd Grader:
1. Read with your child: Read to them and let them read to you! Talk about what you read. Make it pleasurable!
2. Limit screen time: When it comes to reading I don’t think T.V., video games, and computers are our enemies….. but they surely are our competitors!
Look at the math if your child replaced just one ½ hour show a day with reading: 30 minutes x 30 days = A monthly calendar with 900 minutes!
3. The pleasure principle: Do all you can to connect pleasure with reading. Get cozy! Curl up together. Stack books around the house. Put books by your beds!
4. Money Jar: Give your child a jar with change and/or bills. Change the amount often. Practice counting. Ask your child to show you different combinations to make specific amounts of money.
5. Telling Time: Time can be very difficult for second graders. Point out the hour and minute hands. Count the minutes around a clock. Talk about what time it is throughout the day.
6. Writing: In second grade we do a lot of writing about everyday life experiences. Some kids have a tough time trying to figure out something to write about. As fun, interesting things happen in your child’s life remind him/her to write about it at school!
7. Handwriting: Help your child to keep practicing the correct formation of their letters. Remind him/her when to use upper and lower cases letters. We do not learn cursive writing in second grade.
8. Learning on the Computer: Useful Links on Oxbow and 2EE’s Website: These free links will connect you with all sorts of games and activities that support our learning. Kids will be familiar with these websites since we visit them during our computer time.
Plastic home folder: Please check every night and send back every morning!
Water Bottles: Our brains need water so water bottles are very welcome in 2EE. Remind your child to bring it home for regular washings!
Snack Time: Sending a snack with your child is optional but the afternoons do get long! Healthy (or at least somewhat healthy!) snacks only. Students are not allowed to “share” snacks.
Birthday Treats: Students may bring a store bought birthday treat if they so choose to. We presently have 26 students in our class. IMPORTANT NOTE: We have students in our room with peanut allergies.
Going outdoors: If it is above zero degrees we go out. Please send your child prepared! If your child is well enough for school our school policy is that he is well enough to go outside so staying in is not an option.
Morning media check out: Students can check out books every day of the year from 9:15-9:30A.M. What a great privilege!
Bring home books from our classroom: Students are also allowed to borrow my books. That’s why I have them!!! Please don’t forget to return them!
Scholastic book orders: Almost every month I will send home Scholastic book order flyers. These are totally optional but usually include a lot of great deals. They are always due on the 15th of that month!
Lunch money: Try to remember to write your child’s pin number on your check when you send lunch money. If you have to send cash put it in an envelope and label it with your child’s name, homeroom (2EE), and pin #.
Supply list: If your child needs something a note will come home.
Show and Tell: Each week your child will have a day for show and tell. Have them bring a few items that can be shared with our class so we could better get to know them. An example might be a boy bringing a baseball, a picture of his dog, and a rock from his rock collection.
*Reading calendars: Just one more reminder…Reading calendars are due at the beginning of each month with a record of all the minutes read in the previous month. Don’t forget that minutes your child is read to by someone else count as well! If this stresses your child DO NOT use this. Some kids love it others don’t. We want to make reading a good thing!
Parties: We will have 3 parties this year and I have a sign up for party volunteers.
If you would like to help that would be great! We usually meet at Caribou a couple
of weeks before the party to make our plan!
We are partners- 1/3, 1/3, 1/3
I hope we will be friends!
I need to be your partner. Please communicate with me! If I don’t return a call during the day, I will try in the evening. Your child is going to go through some big changes this year and will be learning a lot. Let’s work together to make this a great year!
Call Me! Or Email Me!!
Please call if you have a concern. I am almost always check my voicemail by 7:30. The number is 506-3843. Each night I will leave a detailed description of the days activities so that you can discuss the days events with your child. I am great at replying to e mail at all hours, Neil.Eerdmans@anoka.k12.mn.us!!
Our Goal is Growth!
P.S. You may here the terms BBA, Green, URLoved, Highlights, Cinema and others… I will try to get to those tonight or you could youtube search Neil Eerdmans and here more about these terms. Thanks!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Poetry 3
Moon and Sun
Moony night
Sunny Day
Need Both
Need the moon for the night
Need the sun or always be in the dark
Once I found a crystal
It was white as snow
It reminded me of last season
Where winter shown clearly
Where I found an ice chunk
It was white as snow
Like the crystal I found
The memory I will never forget
It's cold and chill
And Mother's are saying children
Put your jackets on
It's not summer can't
You see there's snow on the ground!
Seasons are cold and warm
Nice and cool also
I love everyone
The Sun
Kids looking up at the sun
Smiling big kids screaming
No kids here
Only fine
And having fun and doing their best.
Summer is for flowers
No School "Boo Hoo"
18 more days and I am feeling blue
I can't leave my teacher
He is so green and handsome too
But his shoes really stink, pee you.
(2 and 16)
Red Yellow Green Blue
Some people are red
Some people are yellow
And some are green
And those green people
Have a lot of friends
Because they are nice sweet
And they listen
Nice Day
Then sun is shining
No wind at all.
Playing no bullying at all.
Everyone is having fun today,
What a nice day today.
Stinky Shoes
Stinky shoes oh stinky shoes
Do not take off your stinky shoes.
I heard your dog faints every hour,
I hope your dog does not die from your power.
(2 and 16)
Moony night
Sunny Day
Need Both
Need the moon for the night
Need the sun or always be in the dark
Once I found a crystal
It was white as snow
It reminded me of last season
Where winter shown clearly
Where I found an ice chunk
It was white as snow
Like the crystal I found
The memory I will never forget
It's cold and chill
And Mother's are saying children
Put your jackets on
It's not summer can't
You see there's snow on the ground!
Seasons are cold and warm
Nice and cool also
I love everyone
The Sun
Kids looking up at the sun
Smiling big kids screaming
No kids here
Only fine
And having fun and doing their best.
Summer is for flowers
No School "Boo Hoo"
18 more days and I am feeling blue
I can't leave my teacher
He is so green and handsome too
But his shoes really stink, pee you.
(2 and 16)
Red Yellow Green Blue
Some people are red
Some people are yellow
And some are green
And those green people
Have a lot of friends
Because they are nice sweet
And they listen
Nice Day
Then sun is shining
No wind at all.
Playing no bullying at all.
Everyone is having fun today,
What a nice day today.
Stinky Shoes
Stinky shoes oh stinky shoes
Do not take off your stinky shoes.
I heard your dog faints every hour,
I hope your dog does not die from your power.
(2 and 16)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Poetry 2
Changing Weather
The rain is pouring
Kids are sad
Tears are dripping down their heads
the sun is now peaking through
The kids are happy no more
The mothers say
Now I see bright faces outside
Ice Cream!
This is you and this is me.
Ice Cream is sweet and so are you!
I wonder how ice cream tastes.
So show me!
Your Time is Going Bye Bye
Since you were a baby you've been growing oh so fast
The clock is striking 6 o'clock.
Your time is going bye bye so really really fast!
Tick tock tick tock wow the time is going by.
So watch how you're spending your time and you will be just fine.
1 Tree 3 Trees 5 Trees Everywhere
1 Tree= Many tress
Trees and sprouts everywhere
I don't even care if my house is one,
So think lucky that you can breathe
SO thank all your trees around you neighborhood
Balloons are fun, colory, puffy and neat but not when they pop
You are even more neat.
We appreciate people
At the things that they do,
But not like LeNeal
No, he's like brand new.
LeNeal has been searching
Home to home for a time
But he has 50% luck
He's got a lot of mountains to climb
Yet LeNeal is not with us
He comes from the heart
He has left, I know it
But of course he takes part
Last night I did not sleep right
Last night I might be walking up and down the hall
Haunted Night
As you walk through the streets
You hear a someone or something calling
"Avery come herrreeeeeee!"
You go in the direction
That you heard the words
Then you entered a house to see
A monster sprinting in your direction
Then the door looks...
The rain is pouring
Kids are sad
Tears are dripping down their heads
the sun is now peaking through
The kids are happy no more
The mothers say
Now I see bright faces outside
Ice Cream!
This is you and this is me.
Ice Cream is sweet and so are you!
I wonder how ice cream tastes.
So show me!
Your Time is Going Bye Bye
Since you were a baby you've been growing oh so fast
The clock is striking 6 o'clock.
Your time is going bye bye so really really fast!
Tick tock tick tock wow the time is going by.
So watch how you're spending your time and you will be just fine.
1 Tree 3 Trees 5 Trees Everywhere
1 Tree= Many tress
Trees and sprouts everywhere
I don't even care if my house is one,
So think lucky that you can breathe
SO thank all your trees around you neighborhood
Balloons are fun, colory, puffy and neat but not when they pop
You are even more neat.
We appreciate people
At the things that they do,
But not like LeNeal
No, he's like brand new.
LeNeal has been searching
Home to home for a time
But he has 50% luck
He's got a lot of mountains to climb
Yet LeNeal is not with us
He comes from the heart
He has left, I know it
But of course he takes part
Last night I did not sleep right
Last night I might be walking up and down the hall
Haunted Night
As you walk through the streets
You hear a someone or something calling
"Avery come herrreeeeeee!"
You go in the direction
That you heard the words
Then you entered a house to see
A monster sprinting in your direction
Then the door looks...
Poetry 1
The sun is shinning bigger than ever
Kids are smiling and kids are sad
With no friends now
I see kids making friends with them now
I think that the day ends.
May is for flowers and towers too.
I can only do it without you.
How thou does the cow?
Can you speak to me now?
Thank you brown cow.
Why do people say have a good day?
I don't get this
Is what I say have a bad day?
Dark light or ever midnight
The clock goes around and around
1 or 2 I'm not blue
or like glue
I'm just a human and that is all I am
I'm not a snoozmen a human
Well that's all the time I have
no more
It's all done
The sun is shinning bigger than ever
Kids are smiling and kids are sad
With no friends now
I see kids making friends with them now
I think that the day ends.
May is for flowers and towers too.
I can only do it without you.
How thou does the cow?
Can you speak to me now?
Thank you brown cow.
Why do people say have a good day?
I don't get this
Is what I say have a bad day?
Dark light or ever midnight
The clock goes around and around
1 or 2 I'm not blue
or like glue
I'm just a human and that is all I am
I'm not a snoozmen a human
Well that's all the time I have
no more
It's all done
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tampa Bay, FL

Tampa Bay is a large natural harbor and estuary along the Gulf of Mexico on the west central coast of Florida, comprising Old Tampa Bay, Hillsborough Bay, McKay Bay, and New Tampa Bay.
Tampa Bay is Florida's largest open-water estuary, extending over 1031 square km.[1] and forming coastlines of Hillsborough, Manatee and Pinellas counties. The freshwater sources of the Bay are distributed among over a hundred small tributaries, rather than a single river.
Beginning the reversal of decades of unrestricted pollution, the bay was designated an estuary of national significance by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, for its fringe of mangrove and its prolific mud flats: more than 200 species of fish are to be found in Tampa Bay and 25 species of birds make it their year-round home. The warm water outfalls of power plants bordering the bay draw one out of every six endangered manatees to spend the winter. Equally significant though less immediately visible is the role of the Bay's waters as nurseries for shrimp and crabs, as well as less commercial invertebrates.
A view of Tampa Bay from I-275, looking south. The industrial buildings are located near St. Petersburg, Florida
Two National Wildlife Refuges are located in Tampa Bay: Pinellas National Wildlife Refuge and the refuge on Egmont Key. Most of the smaller islands in the Bay are off-limits to the public, due to their fragile ecology and their use as nesting sites for brown pelicans, herons, egrets, Roseate spoonbills, cormorants and others. The Tampa Bay Estuary Program keeps watch over the Bay's health.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Miami, FL

We met Mandarin Shmi! She was great! What a great wrap up! It was the perfect review! We talked about sports teams, transportation, economy, the Civil War, endangered animals, natural disasters, natural harbors, the maritime effect, city nicknames and so much more! Awesome!! The oranges were great!!!
Miami is a major city in southeastern Florida, in the United States. It is the county seat of Miami-Dade County. Miami is a global city with an estimated population of 404,048. It is the largest city within the South Florida metropolitan area, which is the largest metropolitan area in the Southeastern United States with 5.5 million people. Miami and its surrounding cities make up the fifth largest urban area in the United States. As of 2005, the United Nations estimates that the Miami Urban Agglomeration is the fourth largest in the United States, and the 44th largest in the world.
Miami’s importance as an international financial and cultural center has elevated Miami to the status of world city. Because of Miami’s cultural and linguistic ties to North, South, and Central America, as well as the Caribbean, Miami is many times referred to as “The Gateway of the Americas”. Florida’s large Spanish-speaking population and strong economic ties to Latin America also make Miami and the surrounding region an important financial center of the Hispanic world.
Miami is also home to one of the largest, most influential ports in the United States, the Port of Miami. The port is often called the “Cruise Capital of the World” and the “Cargo Gateway of the Americas”. It has retained its status as the number one cruise/passenger port in the world for well over a decade accommodating the largest cruise ships and the major cruise lines.
Mr E and I went to Disney world. Mr. E. ate too much candy and got a stomach ache. I patted him on the back and he threw up. He went to the hospital. He was there for one hour. Then he felt better and he came back.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Orlando, FL

Ashley Disney, "Cinderella,"showed us around Orlando. It was great! There is so much to do we could never do it all. We got to smell the beach and see the shells from the beach. She said that the Gulf of Mexico beaches were better than the Atlantic Beaches. We tasted freshly squeezed OJ, which was great! We also went to the Kennedy Space Center!
The city of Orlando is a major city in central Florida, USA and is the county seat of Orange County, Florida. A 2006 U.S. Census population estimate gave the metro Orlando area a population of 1,984,855 residents. It is also the principal city of Greater Orlando. The Orlando-Kissimmee MSA is Florida's third-largest metropolitan area, behind Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach and Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater. Orlando is also home to the University of Central Florida, which is the second largest university in Florida in student enrollment and has the 6th largest enrollment in the nation.
The city is well known for the many tourist attractions in the area, in particular the nearby Walt Disney World Resort, which is located in Lake Buena Vista about 20 miles (32 km) south of Orlando city limits via Interstate 4. Other notable area attractions include SeaWorld and Universal Orlando Resort. The region sees an estimated 52 million tourists a year. Orlando has the second largest number of hotel rooms in the country (after Las Vegas, Nevada), and is one of the busiest American cities for conferences and conventions with the Orange County Convention Center, the country's second largest in square footage. It is also known for its wide array of golf courses, with numerous courses available for any level of golfer. Despite being several miles away from the main tourist attractions, Downtown Orlando is undergoing major redevelopment with a number of residential and commercial towers.
Hi, my name is Billy Bob Joe. Yesterday we met Barrack Obama and Justice Stevens. He told us a lot about D.C. He works with Barrack Obama. Oh and we met Mrs. Obama too.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Atlanta, GA

We met the "Georgia Peach" today! The ghost of Ty Cobb. It was a sort of baseball day!! We read about Hank Aaron too.
We went to the Atlanta Aquarium, we learned more about Martin Luther King Jr. and we learned about Habitat for Humanity! We loved the peanuts and peaches too!
Atlanta is the capital and the most populous city of the U.S. state of Georgia, as well as the the core city of the ninth most populous metropolitan area in the United States. It is the county seat of Fulton County, although a small portion of the city extends into DeKalb County. As of July 2006, the city of Atlanta had a population of 486,411 and a metropolitan population of 5,138,223. Residents of the city are known as Atlantans.
Atlanta has in recent years undergone a transition from a city of regional commerce to a city of international influence. Between 2000 and 2006, the Atlanta metropolitan area grew 20.5%, making it the fastest growing metropolitan area in the nation. Atlanta is often considered a poster child for cities worldwide experiencing rapid growth and urban sprawl.
During the Civil Rights Movement, Atlanta claimed to stand apart from southern cities that supported segregation, touting itself as "The City Too Busy to Hate." That characterization was sharply disputed by many Atlanta blacks, particularly student activists at Atlanta's black colleges and universities who from 1960 to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 waged a determined effort to desegregate public facilities through nonviolent direct action such as sit-ins and marches. Eventually, the city's progressive civil rights record and existing population of blacks made it increasingly popular as a relocation destination for black Americans. Blacks soon became the dominant social and political force in the city, though today some measure of demographic diversification has taken place. Along with St. Louis and Los Angeles, Atlanta is one of three cities in the United States to have hosted the Summer Olympic Games.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Raleigh, NC

Steven came in and told us about the "City of Oaks" today!
Raleigh is the capital of the State of North Carolina and the county seat of Wake County, USA. Raleigh is known as the "City of Oaks" for its many oak trees. The city has a population of approximately 374,320, making it the second most populous in North Carolina, after Charlotte. Raleigh is the 15th fastest growing city in the United States and according to City of Raleigh Planning Department's Growth Management Division, Raleigh is the 49th-largest city in the United States.
Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill make up the three primary cities of the Research Triangle metropolitan region. The regional name originated after the 1959 creation of the Research Triangle Park, located midway between the cities of Raleigh and Durham. The Research Triangle region encompasses the U.S. Census Bureau's Combined Statistical Area of Raleigh-Durham-Cary. The estimated population of the Raleigh-Durham-Cary CSA was 1,565,223 as of July 1, 2006, with the Raleigh-Cary Metropolitan Statistical Area portion estimated at 994,551 residents.
During the 1970s and 1980s the I-440 beltline was constructed, easing traffic congestion and providing access to most major roads throughout the city. The first Raleigh Convention Center and Fayetteville Street Mall were both opened in 1977. Fayetteville Street was turned into a pedestrian-only street in hopes it would spur business growth, but the plan was flawed and business declined.
In 1991 the two largest skyscrapers in Raleigh were completed, First Union Capital Center and Two Hanover Plaza. In addition, the Walnut Creek Amphitheatre opened and First Night Raleigh, an annual New Year's Eve celebration, was first celebrated. Two years later, the city suffered a major drought that resulted in Falls Lake, the primary source of water for Raleigh, to reach its all-time low. In 1996, the Olympic Torch spent the night in Raleigh while on its way to the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia and was welcomed with a large celebration. That same year, Hurricane Fran struck the area, causing massive flooding and structural damage. The RBC Center arena opened in 1999 and is now home to the National Hockey League's Carolina Hurricanes and NC State Wolfpack men's basketball team.
Sam and I went to see the Hurricane's Game. It was a early game so when it was done we went to the capital building. It was filled with stuff. Some history that was my favorite and Sam's too. It was amazing and beautiful!!
I went biking with Mr. E. It was a beautiful day out. It was a 80 mile bike ride. I loved it , so did Mr. E. We got something to eat every 20 miles. It was super duper fum! It was 70 degrees out, warmer than Minnesota! We are very lucky. It was a special day to me!
One time Jenna, Josie, Alisa, Josie J, Sydney, Emma and I were walking down the street when all of a sudden we saw people gathering around something. We couldn't believe it but we saw Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama and their two children. We couldn't see because their were many adults standing around them. But good thing their body guards were there or else it would be a disaster.
Today we went to the bike shop so I can get a bike! We went in and got me a bike. The wheels were old and weak so we tried to get the wheels off. Boom! The wheel flew around and hit Mr. E. in the head. We brought him to the hospital and he had to get stitches.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Richmond, VA

We met Lilly Jefferson today and she told us all about Richmond, city of history and heroes!! Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Maggie L. Walker! There is an inspirational story around every corner!! What a lot of fun!!
Richmond is the capital of the Commonwealth of Virginia, in the United States. Like all Virginia municipalities incorporated as cities, it is an independent city and not part of any county (Richmond County is unrelated, and located more than 53 miles (85 km) away in the northeast region of the state). Richmond is the center of the Richmond Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and the Greater Richmond area. Surrounded by Henrico and Chesterfield Counties, the city is located at the intersections of Interstate 95 and Interstate 64 in central Virginia. As of 2006, the city's estimated population is 192,913, with a metropolitan area population of 1.2 million, making the Richmond Metropolitan Area the third largest metropolitan area in Virginia after Washington-Baltimore and Hampton Roads.
The site of Richmond, at the fall line of the James River in the Piedmont region of Virginia, was briefly settled by English settlers from Jamestown in 1607, near the site of a significant native settlement. The present city of Richmond was founded in 1737. It became the capital of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia in 1780. During the Revolutionary War period, several notable events occurred in the city, including Patrick Henry's, "Give me liberty or give me death," speech in 1775 at St. John's Church, and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1779; the latter of which was written by Thomas Jefferson in the city. During the American Civil War, Richmond served as the capital of the Confederate States of America, and many important civil war landmarks remain in the city today, including the Virginia State Capitol and the White House of the Confederacy, among others.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Washington D.C.

What a day!!! We met the President of the United States!! We met his wife!! And get this, Supreme Court Justice Stevens showed us around Washington D.C! What an amazing place, you could not do this all in a day!! There are so many memorials, buildings and of course the Smithsonian.
Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States. It is coterminous with the District of Columbia (abbreviated as "D.C."). The city and the district are located on the banks of the Potomac River and bordered by the Commonwealth of Virginia (to the southwest) and the State of Maryland (to the northwest, northeast and southeast). The city was planned and developed in the late 18th century to serve as the permanent national capital; the federal district was formed to keep the national capital distinct from the states.
The city was named after George Washington, the first President of the United States. The district's name, "Columbia", is an early poetic name for the United States and a reference to Christopher Columbus, an early explorer of the Americas. The city is commonly referred to as Washington, The District, or simply D.C. In the 19th century, it was called the Federal City or Washington City. Its population is about 588,292. The Washington Metropolitan Area is the eighth-largest in the United States with more than five million residents, and the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area has a population exceeding eight million. If Washington, D.C., were a state, it would rank last in area (behind Rhode Island), second to last in population (ahead of Wyoming), first in population density, and 35th in gross state product.
The centers of all three branches of the U.S. government are located in the District. Also situated in the city are the headquarters for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization of American States, the Inter-American Development Bank, and other national and international institutions, including trade unions and professional associations. Washington is a frequent location for political demonstrations and protests, large and small, particularly on the National Mall. A center of American history and culture, Washington is a popular destination for tourists, the site of numerous national landmarks and monuments, the world's largest museum complex (the Smithsonian Institution), galleries, universities, cathedrals, performing arts centers and institutions, and native music scenes. The District also includes substantial areas of surprisingly wild natural habitat, particularly along the Potomac and Anacostia rivers, as well as most parts of Rock Creek Park and Theodore Roosevelt Island (located in the Potomac River).
Friday, March 27, 2009
Philadelphia, PA

We met Rocky today!! He knew so much about Philadelphia! We saw the Liberty Bell and the Museum of art. We ran up the steps and listened to "Gonna Fly Now" and "Philadelphia Freedom." We ate soft pretzels and ate Cheesesteak! What a great time!
Philadelphia is the largest city in Pennsylvania and the sixth most populous city in the United States and seventh most densely populated city in the U.S. It is the county seat of Philadelphia County. It is colloquially referred to as "the City of Brotherly Love", Modern Greek: "brotherly love" from philos "love" and adelphos "brother". Residents often informally call the city "Philly." The city is recognized as a strong candidate global city with strong evidence of world city formation.
In 2005, the population of the city proper was estimated to be over 1.4 million, while the Delaware Valley metropolitan area, with a population of 5.8 million, was the fifth-largest in the United States and the 45 largest city in the world. A commercial, educational, and cultural center, the city was once the second-largest in the British Empire, (after London) and the social and geographical center of the original 13 American colonies. During the 18th century, it eclipsed New York City in political and social importance, with Benjamin Franklin taking a large role in Philadelphia's early rise to prominence. It was in this city that some of the ideas, and subsequent actions, gave birth to the American Revolution and American independence, making Philadelphia a centerpiece of early American history. It was the most populous city of the young United States and served as the the nation's first capital in the 1790s.
Today we were in Philadelphia, PA. We met Rocky! I asked him if he could knock me out and he did.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
New York City!

We met Sarah Langsdale today!! Star of the musical "Chicago!" What a thrill. She showed us around this wonderful city full of life, cultures and history!! (And she told us she is related to Lilly Love!)
New York City is the most populous city in the United States, with its metropolitan area ranking among the largest urban areas in the world. It has been the largest city in the United States since 1790. For more than a century, it has been one of the world's major centers of commerce and finance. New York City is rated as an alpha world city for its global influences in media, politics, education, entertainment, arts and fashion. The city is also a major center for foreign affairs, hosting the headquarters of the United Nations.
New York City comprises five boroughs, each of which is coextensive with a county: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles, New York City is the most densely populated major city in the United States.
Many of the city's neighborhoods and landmarks are known around the world. The Statue of Liberty greeted millions of immigrants as they came to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, at Ellis Island, a small part of which lies within the city. Wall Street, in Lower Manhattan, has been a dominant global financial center since World War II and is home to the New York Stock Exchange. The city has been home to several of the tallest buildings in the world, including the Empire State Building and the twin towers of the World Trade Center, which were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
New York is the birthplace of many American cultural movements, including the Harlem Renaissance in literature and visual art, abstract expressionism (also known as the New York School) in painting, and hip hop, punk, salsa, and Tin Pan Alley in music. In 2005, nearly 170 languages were spoken in the city and 36% of its population was born outside the United States. With its 24-hour subway and constant bustling of traffic and people, New York is known as "The City That Never Sleeps;" it was first linked with "Gotham" by Washington Irving in 1807.
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