Friday, December 11, 2009

Cloudy Adventure

The Cloudy Adventure
One cloudy afternoon I looked out the window for my grandma to pick me up. I saw the wind blowing like crazy. After breakfast I put on my hat, coat and gloves. When I got outside the wind was blowing ten times stronger. I accidently stepped in a puddle. I made tracks. Splat, splat, splat. My feet sand into the puddle. I tried to jump over it but I didn’t. I saw a bunny. I found a bucket. I used it to catch the bunny but the bunny ran away. I got a jug. I did a science experiment with the puddle and dirt and grass too. It was hard work so I went into my house to get a snack. When I got done I went back outside. I pretended I was fishing in a lake. It was just the puddle. I wanted to remember this day. So I picked up a rock. I put it in my pocket. I made sure I said thank you mom. When I got in bed I looked in my pocket. There was only a hole. My mom said memories are never taken.
