We met Pablo from the Pueblo! He showed us the type of home that he lives in. This is one of the oldest communities in our country. We learned about all of New Mexico's state symbols too!
The whole city is like one big history lesson. We even saw Petroglyphs. Did you know that this is the "Ballooning Capital of the World." Flat spaces, light winds, temperatures always with in the right range. It is wonderful. We even saw the art work of Georgia O'Keefe.
Sam and I went to see the hot air balloon race. We went to go get ice cream. Then we saw the winner. The name was Ozzie Low. We said good job when he got down!
Today I went golfing. I golfed 40 holes. Most of the holes I got a 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, and 7. I got the score 57. I beat Sam O. I thought he would win but lucky for me he didn't. I beat him by 12 this time, most of the time he wins by 12 but this time he didn't.
Today I went down the mountain at blinding speeds. I whizzed down to the golf course. I hit the ball with my skis, hole in one! Then I whizzed right on to the tennis court. I pulled out my raqcuet and hit the ball. 1 point! I stopped right at the net, it was fum! YEE HAW!
Today Sam, Luke, Kory and I were biking. Then we saw a bear. It was scary and I said YES, it is scary! Sam and I went to the restaurant called Peperoni. It was to Sam and I had pizza.
Kory and I went to go fishing. I got 8 bites and I got 6 fish. Kory got 6 bites and 6 fishes. I got 5 walleyes and I got one northern and Kory got the same as me. We were laughing. I ate my northern for dinner so did Kory.
Today we met a guy named Pablo from the Pueblo. He told us about the Cut Throat Trout and that they hunt deer and elk here.
Mr. E. and I were walking around Yellowstone National Park when we saw a big bear. It went up on it haunches and roared very loud. I got scared then the bear charged me. Mr. E. dropped to the ground like we were dead. When it looked away we bellycrawled to Old Faithful. When we got inside we were so relieved to be there.
Today we net Pablo. He was a very nice guy. He told us all about New Mexico. He was wearing a sombrero. It was very nice. It was fum.
New Mexico is very hot. It is the Wild West. At a restaurant I had a very hot tamale. I had to get a drink at the water fountain. After that we had a big cake that had lots of chocolate.
Hi, I am in New Mexico. I am going downtown right now. The state bird is the Roadrunner. The state tree is the Pinopine and the state fish is the Cut Throat Trout.