Monday, July 14, 2014

Summer Review!

Dear 3EE Family,

1.Do a readworks selection.

2. Do five minutes of Freerice English Vocabulary.

3. to, two, too, there, their, they’re… What do they mean?

4.  Do 5 minutes of Freerice Math Review

5.  Do 5 problems on Virginia Math

6.  13, 12, 15, 16, 44, 23, 12; what is the mean, median, mode and the range of these numbers?  Use a calculator.

7. 225/5

8. 2 lb 5 ounces= ___ ounces

9. I yard and 13 inches=_____ inches=_____feet and ____ inches

10.  4 cups=______ pints

You are BBA!   Let’s go lift people up!

Mr. E.