Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Deer Hunting

I went for a walk in to woods to catch a deer. Then I saw a deer. We ran and ran. We almost caught the deer. Then my grandpa accidently pressed the gun button. Then we shot a deer. We were happy. So we took it home and we ate the deer!


One summer morning I woke up and looked out my camper. I JUMPED out of my bed. I woke up my mom and dad. I asked, “Can I have some breakfast please?” I hate with a crunch, crunch, crunch. When I got done I ran out the door! Woosh! I ran to the playground. I saw an eagle. I said, “WOW!” I ran back to the camper. I found a golf ball. I thought it would be fun to golf.
“Mom can I golf please? “
“Yes but be careful.”
“Yes Mom.” I ran to the golf field. It was AWESOME! I picked up the golf ball and my coat. I ran back to the camper. I found a cool rock. It looked like a crystal!!! I put it in an old bag. I did not see the hole in the bag. When I got back to the camper I checked the bag. It was gone!!! “NOOOOOOO!!!” I yelled. DON DON DON
