Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Writing

By Barb

I can’t wait until Halloween. This is going to be the best Halloween ever. Tonight will be the best night of my life. We put out our pumpkins, we put on our costumes. It was night. Ghosts came out. Princesses are coming out tonight. Army dudes are coming out. We went outside to go trick or treat. We stayed out for a really long time. We had a sleep over, it was fun. Everyone came. We went out in the dark night. We were going out to go trick or treat. Ghosts came out. Mummies came out. Ghouls were making clanging noises. WHen we got home there was 5 lazy boys sitting on the carpet. One of the guys candy bags got taken. He was sad. Everyone shared their candy with him. Even me and my sister.

The End

Fifth Birthday
One day I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed! It was February 14th. It was my birthday. I was turning five. I got dressed, so did the rest of my family. We all clomped down the stairs. We went into the family room. My parents sat down on the sofa. Me and my brother sat on the fire place. My dad filmed me opening my present, I got Legos.

After that my mother made breakfast. She made me a Poptart. She put a candle in it. Them my father said, “Bye, see you tonight!” My mother finally said, Time to go. So I got out my coat, put it on and zipped up my zipper to my chin. ZZZIP. I plopped on my boots, pulled on my hat, plopped on my mittens and jumped out the door.

We hopped into the automobile and we were off. Voom, voom. We got to school. Then we went in and got to work. At the end of school all the class started to sing me happy birthday. When Mrs. Smith, my teacher, saw my car she yelled, Bob, time to go, happy birthday. I ran off to my car. I said, Hi mom, hi Ralph. We hit the road and finally we got home.

When we got home the alarm went off. My mother punched in the code and the alarm went off. We had lunch right after that. I gulped down my food. After lunch my brother took his afternoon snooze. Me and my Mother took out the Legos box. We started to to build houses. My mother made a red house. I made a white house. Then my mother said I have to wake Ralph up. Oh, I said. That is my story and I am sticking with it and that is the way the cookie crumbles.


Happy Halloween

I wish a Happy Halloween for Maryland Avenue. It all started at Oxbow Creek in 2EE. There are 27 people in our class. When Mr. E. talks, he calls it a blab, well sometimes. Today is October 31st, which is Halloween. Every morning when I walk into the room Mr E says hello. I brought my costume because today is the Halloween party. When I walked in the room everyone was talking about Halloween costumes, what they were going to be for Halloween and stuff. So I did DOL. Mr. E. created the DOL. He did his blab. We did the costume parade so everyone could see our costumes. If you don't believe me look at our pictures. So we started our party. There were seven different choices. We got to have so much candy. First I went to number 1 choice. It was cool. I was having a good time. "OK second graders let's switch groups." Two minutes later, "OK everyone let's switch groups," said Mr. E. It was getting towards the end of the party, finally it was done. I was sad. So some of the people were leaving. We watched some bookflix books. We lined up for art. We are going green.



Two days ago we got pumpkins at Sam's club. At first we didn't see the pumpkins. We were just in a hurry I guess. SO we got all the other stuff first and when we got to the place that you check out we asked if they still had some and the lady asked someone else. She told us that they were in a big box. We just past them she told us we could run. We said, OK. I told my mom to slowdown but we were just in a hurry I guess. Then we finally found the pumpkins. We were kind of bummed out because they didn't have a stem. I was out of breath from running. I picked a tall one. My brother picked a short and chubby one. When we got home we ate supper. We couldn't carve the pumpkins yet because we had to wait for my dad to get home. We had to wait for a long time.

Finally my dad got home. He said it's time for dinner. I said we all ready had dinner. I said I want to carve our pumpkins. Now my mom said, go get some newspaper, so me and my brother got some newspapers. I got a stack and my brother got a stack. We put them on the floor. Me and my brother spread them on the kitchen floor. Now we can carve our pumpkins. My mom finally said yes!

Steps for carving pumpkins:
1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin
2. Draw on a piece of paper what you want your pumpkin to look like.
3. Put how you want the face to look like.
4. Cut out the face and you have a jack o' lantern!



One day my Grandma told me I could get heelies. I was excited but my mom had to take me there. When my mom got home then we went to Famous Footwear. Then we went to the Heelies section I felt my feet getting sweaty. First we went to buy me heelies. My mom said take off my shoes. I took my socks and shoes. I was excited my mom put a black one on the right foot. Then she put the blue one on the left foot. My mom asked me which one felt better. I said the black one. We had to go look for some shoes for my sister. We found some shoes for my sister. It had Dora on it. We went to look for my mom's shoes. When we found my mom's shoes we had to wait for her. When my mom was done looking at shoes, we went to the check out counter. My mom put the shoes on the checkout counter. The lady behind the counter said, It costs $10 and 55 cents. Then we went home. I showed my grandma my shoes. Then I learned how to take out the wheels. I thanked my mom over and over again.

The End
