Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The Music Program,

On Thursday the Fourth we had our music program.

I was nervous at first because we had to do them three times. It was embarrassing because we had to sing in front of the fourth graders. I was embarrassed because my best friend Jackie is in fourth grade. It was so so embarrassing and fun at the same time.

The last one was singing in front of our parents. We had to wear black pants and white shirts. I had wavy hair because all day I had a braid in.

The End

The Game

Last night I had my first basketball game. I was really excited at first but when my coach called my name, not any more. I was really frightened and excited at the same time. I had butterflies in my tummy. It didn’t feel good at all. It was really exciting, really really exciting. I never got in but my mom said I did really good. I wanted to go out again, it was so terrific. When the game ended I said, “Oh Man!” It was over so I looked for my friend. She had left so we left.

The End

Grandpa’s Birthday

Yesterday was my grandpa’s birthday. We celebrated at his house. We played for a little bit and then we watched the Scorpion King. After that we had a delicious dinner. Next came the peanut butter cake. Yum! I enjoyed myself!

Goodbye Mom
One cloudy day on November 24, 2008 I woke up at 7AM. My dad came into the room, he saw that I was asleep in my comfie bed. I was very warm. Suddenly I heard the door that leads to the garage close. I woke up. I opened my door, ch chiiiinnnnggg. I dashed out and I ran down the stairs, thud, thud. I said in my head, “Don’t leave.” I opened the door, it was Mom leaving. I burst into tears. I was waving my hands left and right, left and right. I finally could get her attention so she stopped her car engine. Her lights on the car turned off. She came out of the car. I said, “Don’t leave mommy.”
“Oh honey, I have to,” said Mommy.
“No you can stay for a little bit,” I said.
So she gave me hugs and kisses. I wiped my tears so I went to get dressed.
My dad said, “Barb, let’s go to school.” I got in the car, zoom zoom, we hit to road to Oxbow Creek.