Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Writing

Kelley Farm

Going on the bus
When I got to school we talked a little bit. Then we went outside to the bus. I liked it very much. The went “beep beep!” It was very loud. THen we got on the bus. I sat with my friends.

Then Ella and Emma were listening to Mr. E’s stories. I listened too. Emma moved because she wanted to listen better. After that I told Ella a story. She liked it very much. Then we were at Kelley farm. I said, “We are at Kelley Farm.”

At Kelley Farm
I was very excited! First we plowed. That was fun. Then we went to a garden and doug for potatoes. Next we went to tat barn and saw some animals. Then we went in the house and made crackers and pickles and last we had lunch.

All about Barb
Barb is 7 years old. She is in second grade.


To Hutchinson We Go
One day me, my mom, Isaac, my grandma and my grandpa piled in the truck and hit the road for Hutchinson. It took 2 hours to get there but that did not bother me because I was talking to my grandpa although I was excited. Then we past the Hutchinson sign and I am like we’re there! So we drove for a little bit then we were at my great grandpa’s farm. Did I mention we were going to his farm? First we unlocked every door, then we opened one door and took out the simplicity machine and road it.

We drove it through the fields of flowers and prairie grass. Then we came back on got some wood for a bon fire. I was content whittling. My mom came over to film me. I love whittling. Then my grandma and mom said, do you want to see Lydia who is 100 and Alma who is 90? I said no I said no thanks, so me and grandpa and Isaac played cops and robbers in the calf pen.

Then my mom and grandma came driving up the dirt road. Then we went to the cabin. Then we went on the simplicity machine. My grandma and I were talking because we were the only ones on the simplicity machine. She showed me the grassy paths. There were waist seat belts but we did not wear them. They were not that important.

Then my grandma made a target for me so I could see how good I was with a BB gun. I GOT FIVE BULLS EYES!!! I needed adult super vision. My brother did it. He definitely needed super vision but grandpa had to help him.

Then we ate dinner. Then we all went to the washroom and piled up in the car but first Grandpa locked everything up. Then we hit the road.


One day I woke up and it was a Saturday. I wasn’t happy but then I played with my friend Jack. It was fun. Then he came to my house. Then it was fun. It was football, we played football too. It was at my house. Then we went in the garage. We got something to eat. Then we asked our sisters if they wanted to play freeze tag. It was fun. Then it was 10:00. We went to bed.


Getting Ready for Horse Back Riding

June 6, 2008 In Colorado: Chapter One
Once in Colorado in a small little cabin there was me, my mom, my dad, and my sister Barb. Barb is in seventh grade. My mom is 41 and my dad is 46. My family was getting ready for horseback riding. My mom said to me and my sister, “Please put sun screen on.”


“Because you do not want your hands to be sunburned.”

“Yea, I suppose.”

“Me too,” said Barb.

“I want to go now,” I whined.

“Only at 1:00.”

“OK, fine.”

“OK guys, time to go.”


“Horse back riding.”

“Yippie Skippy!”

Chapter 2: HIt the Road
Then we got to the car. My dad put the car in reverse. (That means backing up the car.) Then we hit the road.

“Weeeeee!!!!” I whispered.

“We are there,” said Mom.

We got on the horses. I was very scared. Then my dad got the biggest horse there. Then the lady that works there told up the rules. “OK, let’s go.”

I thought it was fun until we first got on. It was one hour. I felt tired. Then we finally turned back around. We got back to the farm. It was time to go. “OK, let’s go,” said Mom.


Happy Halloween
Chapter One Costume On
I walked to my bedroom to get my aviator jacket on. Then I walked out to the garage to get my pumpkin. My pumpkin is my candy bag.

Chapter Two: “Trick or Treat”
First I went to my neighbors house. It is his birthday. Then we went to the other people on our block. When we were done we went to a few other blocks. When we got back to our block my mom went home and me and my dad went to a few more houses. Then we went home.

Chapter Three: How Much
I went in to count my candy. I saw 2 one foot 3 Musketeer bars! Woo! Hoo!!
